Sunday, March 7, 2010

What I've Learned-Esquire Magazine-JD McCallum, Writer

October 2014

JD McCallum, Writer

I write because I have something to say. Be it funny, serious, or downright mean, it’s something that is on my mind, and this is how I communicate it.

Sometimes I laugh out loud reading my own stuff. I definitely need medicine, man. Crazy as I am, I think I'm rarely wrong.

Just looking at literature for the last hundred years, readers have devolved from intuitive, critical comprehenders to a group that wants the writer to spell everything out for them. That is not good.

Don’t spend 300 pages saying what you can express clearly in 95.

Someone once told me no one would buy a book about love gone bad from a man's point of view. I bet they told F. Scott Fitzgerald the same thing.

I have been grown all my life...I don't mean that in a Michael Jackson or Sammy Davis way. I've just always been an adult.

Sometimes, I understand shutting down. You gotta do that and start back up when you ready.

Don’t be afraid to walk through new doors.

Remember that no one is going to love your child the way you do. My ex wife taught me that.

Your kids are more in charge than you realize.

The most ineffective people in the world are those who constantly complain for the sake of being heard. People with real power decide and act…everyone else complains.

I know where you are in my life by what you call me. David, James, JD, Bighead, Daddy, Dexter, M*********er…depending on what name you call me, I know just how close we are and exactly where you fit in my universe.

Remember Richard Pryor in “Uptown Saturday Night”? “Why us?” ‘Why NOT you, Brotha?” Such realism is always worthy of a laugh.

I've had Jack Daniels for breakfast before. It wasn't bad. That silliness stops when you become a parent, though.

Robert Deane Pharr was a writer. He did a bunch of other stuff, but his adult life, regardless of what he did to pay the bills, he was a writer.

Stevie Wonder is the only cat I know who has written about love without using the lens of sex and made it sound appealing as hell.

Play the cards the way they are dealt. All you can do.

Teaching was the most rewarding job I ever had, but the problem with the profession, in my opinion, is the adults, not the kids. Too many people stick it out because they like summers off, they like short days, and contrary to popular belief, teachers make pretty good money. A joy for educating children is somewhere way down the list of priorities for too many of the teachers that I knew.

Don't tell me what to write and I won't come to your day job critiquing you.

Chester Himes was the man.

You can't save anyone. Stop trying. There's a reason they need to be saved, and it ain't you.

Man, I never cared whether anyone liked me or not. Why? That's so juvenile. Did you buy my stuff, and did you read it? Not necessarily in that order.

(Chuckling) Yeah, I'm Koor Mitchell. I'm Theo Miles too. And Fuzzhead Jenkins. They all me, they all mine. Flatbush? Nah. that's someone else. He's an ass in real life. I had to tone him down.

"Smartass?" (Waving hand) "Here!"

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what the Asian person said, but I'm blown away by this article.

    Blown away in a good way.
